Beasts of maravilla island gameplay
Beasts of maravilla island gameplay

beasts of maravilla island gameplay

It’s not very memorable, as it’s composed of a soothing melody mixed with the sounds of critters surrounding Marina.

beasts of maravilla island gameplay

The soundtrack is simple and repetitive, with an ambient feel to it. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the last zone the most, simply because it featured some creatures I’m fond of, such as bumblebees and birds of prey. They feel like a void surrounding an unfinished map. This lack of proper encapsulation of a biome would be most visible in the surroundings of the final, open zone. While there is a large variety of plants and they’re arranged with care, there still is some lack of simpler vegetation, like grass and mosses that would normally grow in crevices. It’s worth mentioning how the bioluminescent aesthetic of one particular zone makes everything very bright, without an in-game option to lower the brightness or gamma: I couldn’t wait to be done with that part.Īnother flaw is that sometimes these environments lack some attention to detail that would make them much more immersive. It’s unfortunate that the player will probably run through the first one and by time they finished this adventure, will forget it ever existed to begin with. Some of them are recolored, however each zone feels very much different than the others. There are four different biomes in the game and all of them have unique plants and animals.

beasts of maravilla island gameplay

This uncanny feeling is much stronger in what is an important animal character, as its movements seem all intentional and somewhat fail to make it feel alive. The cutscenes are digitally painted by someone who clearly knows their craft, the animal models are well-made, with the movements being fairly smooth.Īlthough the creatures and plants have had actual research behind them and have their own animation and roles to play on the levels, at times they behave in a somewhat artificial, planned way, like animatronics that have been programmed to perform actions in a tourist attraction. I have little to no complaints regarding the art and graphics of the game. It is impossible to travel back through other biomes unless all the game is completed. As soon as the player drops the apple, the critter darts towards them and rotates in an unnatural manner. This however is the most bugged part of the game, with the gemmed gastropode moving in ominous ways. The player has to move an apple to the little snail bed and the animal will follow, reflecting light in the direction of the reactive flowers. There is, perhaps twice, a little puzzle that has to be completed to progress. In other instances Marina might have to climb on the vines, crouch under a trunk or hop through what resembles giant amazonian lily pads. Her path might be sometimes interrupted and needing a flash of assistance, with the photo-reactive plants – mechanisms that unlock further passage. It’s worth mentioning that it is not obligatory to complete any of these objectives to finish the game, nor do they influence in any way the ending. Through whistling it’s possible to trigger interactions from these creatures, helping with some more particular shots. Additionally, each biome has a main animal inhabiting it, which displays a few specific behaviours, each of them described in the notes and waiting to be documented with a picture. Once all the critters of the same type have their picture taken, a goal from a checklist in the journal is completed.

beasts of maravilla island gameplay

The creatures and plants are divided into categories, such as butterflies or bats. She feels the need to share this wondrous experience with the world and so she arms herself with a photocamera: it is possible to take both pictures of just the environments and selfies. Marina explores the island with awe and curiosity.

Beasts of maravilla island gameplay